Advanced Cueing and Communication in Yoga teaching

Enjoy class with Linsey on advanced cueing and communication in teaching practice!

About Linsey Birusingh:

I am an E-RYT 500 YACEP called to teach yoga after it helped anchor my anxiety and heal my body! I currently teach trauma-sensitive yoga to women with everything from PTSD to histories of sex-trafficking. I also teach workshops around the world and coach a 200 hour yoga program. Always a student, I am pursuing my 1000 hour RYT yoga certification. I’m currently raising money for a new yoga program at The Young Women’s Resource Center in Des Moines, Iowa. I am also an active philanthropist with a background in journalism, TV hosting, print and women’s studies.

Read more about Linsey here:

Journaling during video pauses
Self record how you teach your best class now, and compassionately look for areas of growth. After practicing some growth-opportunities, re-record to see if your message is more effectively conveyed.
Observe another teacher and how they communicate. Journal your takeaways.

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